Guide for National Resources*

updated 1/15/21

*This is a living, breathing set of resources, not a definitive list. We will update and add to our alternatives guides as our project grows and services in the area change.

National Human Trafficking Hotline

1 (888) 373-7888
TTY: 711
TEXT: 233733

Claims calls are never recorded and the hotline will never report an adult's situation without their consent. The only time they break that confidentiality is if there is a threat of immediate harm or danger. The hotline is mandated to report any information provided to us about minors, anyone under 18, being neglected, abused or potentially trafficked

Organization explicitly seeks to avoid engaging police where possible and/or call respondents are trained to actively seek alternatives to engaging police

Organization has explicit guidance & protocols for engaging the police on behalf of callers and/or demonstrates a willingness to engage police outside of clear & immediate danger scenarios

There is less of a regular protocol for engaging the police & organization clearly articulates concerns about engaging police on behalf of callers

Cop Cooperation Assessments

Through our outreach efforts, volunteers have contacted these organizations and have assigned them “cop cooperation assessments”. We want to make sure that everyone using this guide is aware of the resources' relationships with law enforcement. These ratings were made using our best judgement. No matter how much a resource avoids cooperation with police, all organizations are beholden to laws which require the involvement of law enforcement, especially if child abuse or neglect is suspected.

National Runaway Safeline

1 (800) RUNAWAY
TEXT: 66008

24/7 by telephone, text, or online chat for teens, young adults, parents, and guardians. Offers support, can mediate talks between family members and provide free bus tickets home. If you do not provide them with personal/identifying info, they will not and cannot call the police. Will call police at caller's request.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

1 (800) 273-TALK [8255]
TTY: (800) 799-4889

Uses active engagement & active rescue (with or without caller's consent). Collaborates with other community crisis & emergency services in cases of imminent danger to self or others with "least invasive intervention necessary."

American Automobile Association (AAA)

1 (877) 733-2273
(973) 746-0800 x310/307 non-emergency

Emergency car assistance for members (non-members may use if traveling with member). Claims to very rarely ever involve police.

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)

(800) 656-HOPE [4673]

Only anonymous calls and chats are confidential. If the visitor shares personally identifying information RAINN is required to notify authorities 1) if they're aware of the identity and location of a minor, elder or vulnerable adult who is being abused (and sometimes those who have been abused in the past), and 2) if they are aware of the identity and location of someone who indicates that they are at risk of harming themselves or other people.